Tuesday, February 19, 2013


We have too much to catch up on that basically we aren't going to try. Here are some recent pictures.

This would have been our christmas card picture if we had done them.
 Blessing day!


 We had a little snow, Jack was so excited to throw snowballs. He couldn't make snowballs because it was too cold for that but he loved throwing handfuls of snow at me and made sure that I threw some at him too. His favorite game on the wii fit is the snowball one and so he's been a fan of snowballs even before he saw snow. We even play snowballs inside to and act like the wii characters. I showed jack how to make snow angels, and he was into that for a little while.

Bathing Juliet with the bumbo is so much easier and takes less space. She usually enjoys it, Jack mostly enjoys having her in the tub.

Jack really has been so great with Juliet on the whole. He did tell her to go back to the hospital, or back in mommy's tummy, and once hit her on the head because she was crying and he didn't like it (he was in a bad mood and was crying himself), but on the whole Jack has treated her really well and likes having her around. He will hug and kiss her and (if he's happy) try to calm her down if she crys. Juliet likes to watch Jack play and smiles easily at him, she even started laughing at him.
Crazy as it is, I love having two kids!