Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Watching grass grow...

is so exciting. We set out to transform our backyard from a weed infested, rooty, mosquito oasis into a lush, green, mosquito oasis. We brought in several bags of topsoil to level the ground, and then seeded. We had to repeat a few times to cover the bare spots, and still have a few of them, but overall we are satisfied with our product.
I wish our before picture (Jack was so little!) was better but you can kind of see all the weeds and roots among the shadows. The after picture is Chris and Jack during the maiden voyage of our cute new lawn mower. A very proud day.
Several weeks ago we finally took the bikes from the attic and have been able to go on a few family bike rides. We bought this neat seat for Jack and he rides along in front with me. He even likes his helmet (sometimes). Chris has even begun to ride his bike to school occasionally. It is faster than the bus and he can be on his own schedule. If only it wasn't so hot or humid.


  1. your backyard looks awesome!! i'm jealous :)

  2. That's pretty good grass! You guys are doing great at the landscaping thing!

  3. Do you like your bike seat? We bought a trailer for Noah and he doesn't really like it.
